Cool Climate Wines – Why We Love Them
Cool climate wines have been receiving a lot of attention over the last few years and with good reason. They are fresh, vibrant wines that pair exceptionally with a large variety of foods and are […]
Cool climate wines have been receiving a lot of attention over the last few years and with good reason. They are fresh, vibrant wines that pair exceptionally with a large variety of foods and are […]
Barrels have a long, rich history with wine. Barrels have been reportedly used in Gaul, now modern day France, since at least 300BC to store mostly beer. When the Romans invaded Gaul they started using […]
Cap management. What is it? Why do we do it? And how do we do it? Winmaking has lots of odd sounding exercises. But every one of them is urgently important! […]
There are a lot of buzzwords in the winemaking industry that flow in and out of fashion. You’ll hear them in tasting rooms, see them in wine critic tasting notes and even find them popping […]
Hot on the heels of our final bottling day of the year, we rolled into the start of Harvest 2020. With a lot help from our vineyard crew and a great boost from the exceptional […]
One of our primary goals for the vineyard this year is to put a heavy emphasis on building and maintaining our soil health. Our first action step – cover crop! We are planting a mixture […]
We are no doubt on the cusp of being in an extreme area for growing grapes. Our delicate Vitis Vinifera grapes are no match for the deadly winter temperatures we experience each year. Every time I tell […]
With these milder temperatures and the melting snow, it seems that spring has started a bit early this year. This has us excitedly starting our vineyard work for the season! While our vinifera vines remain […]
A significant feature of our Windward White is that it is a blended wine. It can be broken down to its components of 4 different grapes: […]
2021 Harwood Estate Vineyards Inc. 68 Wellington St E, Aurora, ON L4G 1H8